Frequently asked questions

Can I use COLONDRINK while on Intermittent Fasting?

Absolutely, you can enjoy Colondrink and practice Intermittent Fasting. And there's no need to worry - it won't disrupt your fast. Unlike other macro-nutrients like fats, proteins or carbohydrates which the body breaks down and takes in, Essential Fibre Complex isn’t metabolized by your system. Just as tea or coffee is suggested during a fasting window; our product too should be consumed then!

When will I feel the effects of COLONDRINK?

The changes in your bowel movements will vary depending on how quickly your metabolism responds; however, you should start to notice a change within 24-72 hours.

How does COLONDRINK stand out compared to other probiotic supplements?

There are other similar products available, but we can't guarantee their product quality or ingredients. We can guarantee that Colondrink uses only high-quality ingredients with high-quality assurance, so you know you're getting exactly what is written on the label. Plus, our product is highly effective and doesn't take long to take effect...unlike some other products in the market.

How long should I take COLONDRINK for?

For the best results, you should take Colondrink for 2-3 months. Time flies when you're feeling great!

Is it permissible to use COLONDRINK when expecting a child, nursing an infant, or planning for pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a wonderful and long journey, but it can be tough at times with all the mood swings, bloating, cramps and sensitivities to food (or cravings!). To help keep everything in balance, nutrition is key and making sure you're getting all of the recommended nutrients from your diet is crucial. That's where colon drink comes in - it can give you that extra boost to make sure you're staying on track. However, just to be safe we always recommend checking with your doctor before using colon drink if you are pregnan, breastfeeding or trying to conceive.

Can I take COLONDRINK if I have irritable bowel syndrome?

If you suffer from IBS, we recommend increasing your probiotic intake, and colon drink is an excellent option. Just to be safe, if you have IBS, always check with your doctor before purchasing or ingesting any supplements.

How long will it take to deliver my package?

Our package will be delivered within 48 hours. You will receive an email about the status of your order when it is ready to ship.

Is it suitable for breastfeeding mothers?

A breastfeeding mother can safely drink colon drink probiotic beverage. It will not adversely affect the quality of her milk in any way. In fact, we believe that it may actually improve the quality. For more information on this topic, please read our BLOG. However, as with any supplement, we recommend consulting a medical professional before purchase.

Can I take this with medication for high blood pressure?

If you are taking medication for high blood pressure, we recommend using Colondrink a few hours before or after taking the medication. This means that if certain medications are used, it would be better to take Colondrink at least 2 hours before or after taking them. We also recommend consulting with a doctor for an individual case assessment before using any medication together with Colondrink.

Can I safely use COLONDRINK in conjunction with my cholesterol-lowering medicine?

If you are taking medication for high cholesterol, we recommend using Colondrink a few hours before or after taking the medication. This means that if certain medication is used, it would be better to take Colondrink at least 2 hours before or after taking the medicine.

We also recommend consulting with a doctor for an individual case assessment before using any medication together with Colondrink. Also you can read more in our BLOG.

Why am I not losing weight?

We would like to point out that supplements are only a part (though important) of a healthy lifestyle. Healthy and balanced nutrition along with adequate physical activity makes the greatest impact on your weight. No supplement will replace good nutrition and no supplement will solve the problems caused by bad nutrition. No supplement alone is capable to make the excess weight disappear.

The key to weight loss is eating whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean meats, reducing the intake of high-fat foods and getting regular exercise. Depending on the individual, increasing protein may be beneficial (especially for those trying to not lose lean tissue), but making a lifestyle change is essential for most people if they want to lose weight successfully.

It is important to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep, eat a healthy balanced diet, use at least 1.5 litres of water per day and get at least 150 min of moderate physical activity per week in order to improve your gut health and weight loss. Try incorporating some of these healthy habits into your daily routine and see if you notice any positive changes in your wellbeing!

Can I pay for COLONDRINK on delivery?

We apologize that we cannot facilitate payment after receipt of your package. Nevertheless, you can conveniently pay with a Debit/Credit Card at the checkout page.

Can I use COLONDRINK with vitamins and supplements such as BCAA, creatine and pre-workout?

We suggest consuming Colondrink a few hours before or after taking any medication. The recommendations for the use of Colondrink also apply to all supplements, in order to assure the effectiveness of Colondrink and avoid contraindications with other supplements. We advise consulting with a doctor for an individual case assessment before using any supplement or medication together with Colondrink.

Is it suitable for those with diabetes?

Probiotic supplements like colon drink are safe and well-tolerated when taken alongside a traditional diabetes diet. In fact, these supplements can improve glycaemic and lipid control in men and women with diabetes.

For best results, take colon drink at least 1 hour before or after any medications.

Of course, we always recommend consulting with your doctor before taking any new supplement.

Is the plastic bottle safe to drink from?

Polypropylene (PP) is a remarkable plastic that has been embraced by many industries. Its FDA-approval for food contact makes it ideal to protect and store your favorite foods, like yogurt, cream cheese, butter products and more! Polypropylene's heat tolerance also allows you to safely microwave these items in their packaging without worry. It even plays an essential role in the construction of surgical devices and implants - as well as weaving beautiful rugs suited for both indoors or out! With its versatility and safety features, polypropylene proves itself time after time when put into practice. Colon drink is in safe for health bottle!

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